Monday, February 20, 2012

Menu Feb 19-25

So I spent a ton of money on groceries last week. This week I hope the only thing I have to buy is produce, milk, and eggs.

Sunday: going out to friends for dinner.

Monday: either Thai-style roasted chicken if I am not too lazy and cut up the chicken and marinate it, or just plain old roast chicken.

Tuesday: Black pepper tempeh with cauliflower (there maybe some leftover chicken as well)

Wednesday: Stuffed chicken breasts - maybe I'll experiment with the stuffing some this week. Usually has butternut squash, walnuts and golden raisins.

Thursday: ??

Friday: Salmon

Saturday: Party! Tamales, Clementine Jicama salad, black beans & rice, salsa & chips, and crack pie & some other pies and cookies for dessert.

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